2. Example Notebooks

The following are example notebooks written by HSTaXe users and developers. They are divided by their corresponding instrument.

2.1. Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3)

The aXe WFC3 cookbook data can be downloaded by cloning this repository: https://github.com/npirzkal/aXe_WFC3_Cookbook

  1. git clone https://github.com/npirzkal/aXe_WFC3_Cookbook.git

  2. Enter the aXe_WFC3_Cookbook directory and work through aXe_WFC3_Cookbook.ipynb within the conda environment created as part of the hstaxe installation.

2.2. Advanced Camera for Surveys

The aXe ACS cookbook and associated data can be downloaded from the following area: https://stsci.box.com/s/eo98zjtyccnoq7z73akfrx94jog3pg7j

2.3. aXe Cookbook Examples

There are also a couple simple test scripts in hstaxe/tests that can be run against the example data in the aXe cookbook:

  • run_acs_cookbook.py: runs basic aXe against ACS data

  • run_cookbook.py: runs basic aXe against WFC3 data from the cookbook

  • run_cookbook_part2.py: runs axedrizzle against WFC3 data from the cookbook

2.4. Other Uses of aXe

aXe has been used successfully in several large science programs, such as GRAPES (ACS/WFC, [PIRZKAL1] ) and PEARS (ACS/WFC, [PIRZKAL2] ). The aXe software was central in extracting ACS/G800L and, using a customized version of aXe, NICMOS/G141 data within the corresponding Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) projects (see [FREUDLING] and [KUMMEL4]).